By-Pass Valves

B166 (3/4",1")
Autimatic Dual-Purpose
By-Pass Valve
T166 (1-1/4",1-1/2")
Pump Flow Control Valve
Differential By-Pass Valve
Typical Applications:
On all cylinder filling pumps as well as aerosol propellant feed pumps. Large Capacity pumps filling variable size tanks and bottles
such as those used with delivery trucks or multi-spot cylinder filling.
In liquified-gas bulk-plant installations for the loading and unloading pumps.



Specifications Model
B166 T166 B177
Inlet  3/4",1" 1-1/4",1-1/2" 1-1/4",1-1/2",2",2-1/2"
Outlet  3/4",1" 1-1/4",1-1/2" 1-1/4",1-1/2",2",2-1/2"
Slip-on Flange Option No  No  2",2-1/2"
Differential Pressure Range PSI (Bar)  25-225
O-Ring Material Option  Buna N(standard), Neoprene®,Teflon®,Ethylene-Propylene*
*Ethylene-Propylene not available for B177


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